Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Audience Etiquette

Recently I have been to the theatre twice as a punter. Quite a rare thing due to being too busy and also finding it difficult just to sit back and enjoy without being so critical as a professional.

Anyway..... first outing was to see the King's Singers at the Wycombe Swan. They were, as always, superb. Very professional, well-rehearsed, relaxed and gave a really tight performance. However, I remembered why it is that I rarely go to classical concerts once the audience piped up with the coughing - once one starts, the herd mentality kicks in and everyone has to have a go!

Then we get the sweetie unwrapping and, rather than a quick rip and it's done, we have to put up with the "I'll try and do it really surreptitiously and quietly, over as long a period of time as possible and then maybe no-one will notice" WRONG!

In spite of requests to turn off mobile phones and beeping alarms on watches, it never fails that we get one such event during the course of an evening. What is the matter with people?

THEN..... we get the person who simply HAS to make a comment or clap IMMEDIATELY at the end of what should be a beautiful moment of quiet appreciation of a wonderfully soft ending, which completely ruins the moment. Not to mention those whose clap in the middle of a piece. Isn't it obvious that the performers haven't finished? They are in the middle of breathing for the next verse for Heaven's sake! AAArgh!

So I suppose it will be a while before I venture out again, unless it is for a rousing West End show where the music is loud enough to drown out the audience as in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - to follow.....

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